Saturday, January 22, 2022

Holiday Season 2018 - Making Krumkake with Mom

Sunday, December 9, 2018

After church Dale and I headed over to Mom's to make krumkake. She hasn't made it in years and asked me last week if I'd like to come over and help. Of course I said yes!

Pictured above is a krumkake iron exactly like the one Mom used to have. She's made them for as long as I can remember - every year for a long time and then more sporadically. I think she quit making them after Dad died. The iron shown above could be used on a gas or electric stove burner. I don't know how well they'd work on more recent ovens with  glass tops. Anyway, a friend loaned Mom an electric one which is pictured below.

I helped Mom put the batter together. 

I was in charge of getting the batter on the iron and closing it. Holding it shut for about 45 seconds did the trick. 

Mom took care of getting the cookie off the iron and rolling it. The whole process was pretty quick with two people. Having a double rather than single iron didn't hurt either. 

The recipe Mom used was a "new" one. I have that in quotes because the recipe came out of a Star Tribune Sunday Magazine newspaper insert from back in 1988. Mom saved it all these years with the intention of someday trying it. Well, someday came today.

The recipe comes from a woman named Hilda Kringstad and is not too different from the one Mom has used for years. The difference is that Hilda's recipe calls for using whipping cream that's actually been whipped before adding it to the batter. Regardless, these krumkake were much better than the ones I've gotten at the grocery store and at the very least equally as good as the ones from the recipe Mom used for years!

Dale loved the krumkake too. 

I'd say Mom's and my endeavor was a success and it was great to relive a wonderful old holiday memory.

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