Monday, February 21, 2011

Christmas 2005

Pictured is Mom and Dad's Christmas card for Christmas 2005. Here is the text of the circular letter included with that card:

"Another year has gone by way too quickly it seems. I'm sure it has something to do with aging which makes it seem that time goes faster."

"The most exciting news is that we will be blessed with two grandchildren in 2006. Becky and Sam are expecting their second baby, another boy, whose name will be John Cashel (that is at this writing) who is due toward the end of January. Peter and Stephanie will become parents in late March. The first ultrasound revealed a girl baby but no name has been decided upon yet."

"Sam and Becky are still in Germany and have a little over a year and a half left to go on this assignment. Becky keeps us up to date on little Calvin's accomplishments, she sends pictures almost every day. They were home for a week in April so we got to see Cal. He is a quirky little guy, much like Sam was as a youngster."

"Peter and Stephanie will be moving to Germany in August '06 to their new assignments there. So the two families will be in Germany at the same time for about a year. Pete and Steph will be at different Air Force Bases which are only 40 miles apart so they hope to find housing some where in between those two locations. We are a little diappointed that they will be leaving the States but it is a good time for them to do it. Sam and Becky have really enjoyed their time in Germany and have taken advantage of the opportunity to visit quite a few European countries and I would imagine Pete and Steph will do the same."

"Joseph is teaching at a new school this year but is still [in the same district]. Joe's partner Dale works for [a music camp]. He spends two months of the summer up at [the camp] and this summer I went with Joe to visit him. I had never been [there] so it was really fun to see [where Dale works]. After Christmas('05) Joe, Dale and I drove to Chicago to meet Dale's parents who came in on the train from Colorado. We had a very nice visit and took advantage of the good restaurants in Chicago."

"We were suppose[d] to go to see Peter and Stephanie for Thanksgiving but David became very ill and was hospitalized for two and a half weeks in November so we were unable to go. David had diverticulitis which moved into the blood stream (sepsis) and decided to make a home in the liver forming three abscesses there. They put a catheter in the liver to drain the abscesses and he was on high doses of antibiotics. He came home the day before Thanksgiving and was on home IV therapy for three more weeks. He is getting better but it is a slow process, he tires very quickly but is up and around and being as busy as his body allows."

"I am still working for [the hospital] but started a new job [there] in April. I am doing emergency room coding and charging which is a nice change. I work with a five person team and we moved out of the main medical record department and are now located near the ER. The plan is to have us housed in the ER so we have access to the doctors and nurses for documentation issues. Our new place will not be ready for at least a year and by then maybe I will retire....can't quite see myself not working however. I will have to start visualizing me as a "not working person" to try to get used to the idea. I have started singing with [the choir at church] this year and have found it to be quite enjoyable. I also am playing in a recorder group, there are five of us. I also have a recorder partner and we play together twice a month. I do like the recorder group but like duets the best."

"So with that we wish you well as we continue this Christmas Season and hope that you will have a happy and blessed New Year!"

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